My Text

It is the wisdom of man to sacrifice for his fellow man, in a wise manner

Sunday, March 13, 2016


I wish to ask if anyone here has organised a fund raising event? Has anyone here organised a charity event? James 1:5, admonishes us: “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you”.

Having a successful church fundraising is an interesting project but it requires it requires time, hard work, enthusiasm planning, a team of people, great ideas and some money to set it up. Fundraising events also offer great opportunities to socialize and really get to know people and families in church but some ideas are already being used for charities like ADRA.

If you are part of a church group, the last thing on your mind may be raising money, but often it might be necessary. The funding is just out there and you have no choice but to cut programs and find a way to create something else or cut some or other items planned. Unless members of the church are willing to step up to the plate and meet the financial needs, sometimes you need to hold a church fundraiser.

Most of us are workers, and may not have the liberty of time like students to organise events that need us to be there; some events could be done online like gofundme, indigogo, crowdfunding, etc., but not all events can be done in church funding.

Like most types of fundraising groups there are a few major categories that churches can and should consider based on individual needs. There are brochure fundraisers that cost nothing to start. There are candy fundraisers which are about the easiest possible product to sell. Then there are our two highest profit categories that include discount fundraising cards and scratch card fundraisers.

I have itemised some ideas which we can pick from for church fundraising:

v  Church Cookbooks or Fortune Cookies

v  Bake Sale Recipes or Bake Sale Fundraisers

v  Balloon Fundraising Ideas

v  Pizza Fundraiser

v  Charity Car Wash

v  Popcorn Fundraiser

v  Baby Photo Competition

v  Karaoke or Dinner Dance

v  Barefoot Books Fundraising Programme

v  Beetle Drive or Choir performance

v  Bingo Night Fundraiser or Charity Barbeque

v  Brick Fundraising

v  Candle Fundraisers

v  Candy Bar Fundraising

v  Charity Abseil

v  Charity Bungee Jump

v  Charity Car Donations

v  Charity Christmas Cards

v  Charity Head Shave

v  Charity Race Night

v  Charity Quilts

v  Charity Walks - With A Difference

v  Church Hymns - Using them in your fundraising.

v  Colour Run

v  Cookie Dough Fundraising

v  Cotton Candy Maker

v  Dog Show or Angel Festival

v  Fashion Show Fundraiser

v  Ferret Racing  or Snail Racing

v  Flamingo Flocking

v  Flower Bulb Fundraising

v  Fun Quizzes For Church Fundraisers

v  Fundraising Auctions

v  Fundraising Buttons / Badges

v  Fundraising Christmas Wreaths

v  Fundraising Event Ideas - How to make Money From Them

v  Fundraising Ideas For Kids - Colouring Wall

v  Fundraising Ideas For Kids - Teddy Bears Picnic

v  Fundraising Ideas For Kids - Teddy Tombola

v  Fundraising Ideas For Kids - Toddler Triathlon

v  Fundraising Tea Towels

v  Fundraising Thermometer

v  Go-Kart Derby

v  Harvest Suppers - With a Difference

v  Hold A Plant Sale

v  Knitting For Charity

v  Lollipop Fundraisers

v  Magazine Fundraisers

v  Online Charity Auctions

v  Recycling For Charity or Recycle Mobile Phones or Recycle Ink Cartridges

v  Rubber Wrist Bands ( Fundraising Bracelets )

v  Scratch Card Fundraiser

v  Scrip Fundraising

v  Smencils - A great fundraiser for kids

v  Tea With The Vicar

v  Spelling Bee Fundraiser

v  3 Saint's Days With A Difference.

v  Tithes and Tithing

v  Tupperware Fundraising

v  50 : 50 Raffle

v  Write a Book for Charity

For some help, you may need some professional help, like on 

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