This is a throwback Obama picture. To be successful, You must be a servant. Senator Obama serving President Clinton in 2005. President Obama has always dreamed big, wished it and moved to get it. He never cared what people thought about him or will say, he was ready to win. Be purposeful in your heart, plan it, and God will see you through
A worried woman went to her gynecologist and said:
'Doctor, I have a serious problem and desperately need your help! My baby is not even 1 year old and I'm pregnant again. I don't want kids so close together.'
So the doctor said: 'Ok and what do you want me to do?'
She said: 'I want you to end my pregnancy, and I'm counting on your help with this.'
The doctor thought for a little, and after some silence he said to the lady: 'I think I have a better solution for your problem. It's less dangerous for you too.'
She smiled, thinking that the doctor was going to accept her request.
Then he continued: 'You see, in order for you not to have to take care of 2 babies at the same time, let's kill the one in your arms. This way, you could rest some before the other one is born. If we're going to kill one of them, it doesn't matter which one it is. There would be no risk for your body if you chose the one in your arms.'
The lady was horrified and said: 'No doctor! How terrible! It's a crime to kill a child!'
'I agree', the doctor replied. 'But you seemed to be OK with it, so I thought maybe that was the best solution.'
The doctor smiled, realizing that he had made his point.
He convinced the mom that there is no difference in killing a child that's already been born and one that's still in the womb. The crime is the same!
If you agree, please SHARE.
Together we can help save precious lives!
Love says, 'I sacrifice myself for the good of the other person.' Abortion says, 'I sacrifice the other person for myself".
Dear Sir,
It is with great humility that I sent this letter to you. I am not sure it will get to you though, but I'm... hoping and relying on the power of social media share button that, perhaps, it will. If however, you receive this letter, please note that I desire nothing personal, but the pleasure of Allah over you and well being of the Muslims at large.
Sir, you know very sure that you have been greatly favoured by Allah among the entire black race in Africa and elsewhere, even among men of other colours, as no name makes echo than yours across Africa.
Your business is progressing and expanding on a daily basis and no household, at least, here in Nigeria, can do without your product. Even when our nation is experiencing economic crisis, your business and wealth continues to grow without limit. Such is the favour of Allah over you.
Sir, my greatest concern is about your Zakat, the fourth pillar of Islam, binding upon you as a Muslim. As a Muslim from Kano , I'm sure you knew more than I know about the importance of Zakat in the life of a wealthy Muslim. If our noble prophet Muhammad (saw) were to be alive today, you definitely would be noticed by him, and his message to you would centered on Zakat.
Sir, I am not saying you are not paying Zakat, but the impact of your Zakat payment is yet to be seen; it should have been seen. I say this because the extent of your wealth is no longer a secret across the world. For example, it was reported that, as of today, you are the richest Black African with about $25 billion.
The Forbes also ranked you as the 67th Richest person in the world of more than 7 billion people! Your investment cut across the globe, you are healthy and millions of people across the world earns their livelihood through you. Sir, "Which of Your Lord's Favours would you Deny?" (Q.55)
Sir, $25bn is about 5trillion Naira, that is the size of Nigeria's annual budget, which has about 140 millions citizens. Sir, assuming you can pay 2.5% mandatory Zakat on 3trillion Naira only from your wealth, that would be some 75bn Naira!
Sir, with 75bn Naira made available yearly as Zakat for the vulnerable Muslims, starting from Kano, you can save Islam from its battered image. You will agree with me sir, that boko haram was able to recruits young people because there is too much poverty among the Muslims.
Your Zakat can free no less than 500,000 Muslims every year from poverty if your Zakat is properly used. The gap between Sunni-Shia Muslims may also be considerably reduced and the fortune of Islam and Muslims will rise again.
Sir, your Zakat alone can defeat the terrorists which have turned most Muslim countries of the world to war theater.
In conclusion sir, help cross-check those who handle your Zakat to properly administer it so that the blessings of Allah becomes manifold. May your wealth continues to grow, and may your history never end in the manner of the richest man in the life-time of Prophet Musa (AS).
Thank you sir,
Your Daughter in Islam, Ajimot Ashogbon.
NB: To those who may share this letter until it gets to you, it is my prayers that they will never be victims of poverty in their life-time. Aamin
South African entrepreneur Elon Musk is known for founding Tesla Motors and SpaceX, which launched a landmark commercial spacecraft in 2012.
“I'm very pro-environment, but let's figure out how to do it better and not jump through a dozen hoops to achieve what is obvious in the first place.”
—Elon Musk
“Failure is an option here. If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough.”
—Elon Musk
Born in South Africa in 1971, Elon Musk became a multimillionaire in his late 20s when he sold his start-up company, Zip2, to a division of Compaq Computers. He achieved more success by founding in 1999, SpaceX in 2002 and Tesla Motors in 2003. Musk made headlines in May 2012 when SpaceX launched a rocket that would send the first commercial vehicle to the International Space Station.
Early Life
Born and raised in South Africa, Elon Musk purchased his first computer at age 10. He taught himself how to program, and when he was 12 he made his first software sale—of a game he created called Blastar. At age 17, in 1989, he moved to Canada to attend Queen’s University, but he left in 1992 to study business and physics at the University of Pennsylvania. He graduated with an undergraduate degree in economics and stayed for a second bachelor’s degree in physics.
After leaving Penn, Elon Musk headed to Stanford University in California to pursue a Ph.D in energy physics. However, his move was timed perfectly with the Internet boom, and he dropped out of Stanford after just two days to become a part of it, launching his first company, Zip2 Corporation.
An online city guide, Zip2 was soon providing content for the new Web sites of both the New York Times and the Chicago Tribune, and in 1999, a division of Compaq Computer Corporation bought Zip2 for $307 million in cash and $34 million in stock options.
An Earnest Entrepreneur
Also in 1999, Musk co-founded, an online financial services/payments company. An acquisition the following year led to the creation of PayPal as it is known today, and in October 2002, PayPal was acquired by eBay for $1.5 billion in stock. Before the sale, Musk owned 11 percent of PayPal stock.
"If I’m trying to solve a problem, and I think I’ve got some elements of it kind of close to being figured out, I’ll pace for hours trying to think it through."
Never one to rest on his laurels, Musk founded his third company, Space Exploration Technologies Corporation, or SpaceX, in 2002 with the intention of building spacecraft for commercial space travel. By 2008, SpaceX was well established, and NASA awarded the company the contract to handle cargo transport for the International Space Station—with plans for astronaut transport in the future—in a move to replace NASA’s own space shuttle missions.
The boundless potential of space exploration and the preservation of the future of the human race have become the cornerstones of Musk's abiding interests, and toward these he has founded the Musk Foundation, which is dedicated to space exploration and the discovery of renewable and clean energy sources.
Tesla Motors
Another Musk venture is Tesla Motors, a company dedicated to producing affordable, mass-market electric cars. Five years after its formation, the company in 2008 unveiled the Roadster, a sports car capable of accelerating from 0 to 60 mph in 3.7 seconds, as well traveling nearly 250 miles between charges of its lithum ion battery. With a stake in the company taken by Daimler and a strategic partnership with Toyota, Tesla Motors launched its initial public offering in June 2010, raising $226 million.
Additional successes include the Model S, the company's first electric sedan. Capable of covering 265 miles between charges, the Model S was honored as the 2013 Car of the Year by Motor Trend magazine.
Preparing for Lift-Off
On May 22, 2012, Musk and SpaceX made history when the company launched its Falcon 9 rocket into space with an unmanned capsule. The vehicle was sent to the International Space Station with 1,000 pounds of supplies for the astronauts stationed there, marking the first time a private company had sent a spacecraft to the International Space Station. Of the launch, Musk was quoted as saying, "I feel very lucky. ... For us, it's like winning the Super Bowl."
In December 2013, SpaceX notched another milestone when Falcon 9 carried a satellite to geosynchronous transfer orbit, a distance at which the satellite would lock into an orbital path that matched the Earth's rotation. In February 2015, SpaceX launched another Falcon 9 fitted with the Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) satellite, aiming to observe the extreme emissions from the sun that affect power grids and communications systems on Earth.
Musk has continued his work in attempting to make his innovative ideas a reality. In August 2013, he released a concept for a new form of transportation called the "Hyperloop," an invention that would foster commuting between major cities while severely cutting travel time. Ideally resistant to weather and powered by renewable energy, the Hyperloop would propel riders in pods through a network of low-pressure tubes at speeds reaching more than 700 mph. Musk noted that the Hyperloop could take from seven to 10 years to be built and ready for use.
Although he introduced the Hyperloop with claims that it would be safer than a plane or train, with an estimated cost of $6 billion—approximately one-tenth of the cost for the rail system planned by the state of California—Musk's concept has drawn skepticism. Nevertheless, the entrepreneur has sought to encourage the development of this idea. In June 2015, he announced a competition for teams to submit their designs for a Hyperloop pod prototype, with participants getting the chance to test their creations on a track at the SpaceX facility in June 2016.
A lady went to a salon to dress her hair. While dressing her hair, she noticed a handsome man sitting quietly in the shop. Suddenly the lady turned to the man and said: "Mr., you are so handsome can we meet later today? " Man replied 'I'm married'. The woman continued; "and so? You can just tell your wife you're going to visit a friend in the hospital and from there"......... and the man replied; "Tell her yourself, she's the one dressing your hair". If na you be man wife wetin u go do? Cheers, pls drop ur comments
Okra or okro, known in many English-speaking countries as ladies' fingers, ochro or gumbo, is a flowering plant in the mallow family. It is valued for its edible green seed pods. It is also used in making soups, stews and sauces, but can also be eaten raw as a snack. In Nigeria, it is used for the popular Okro Soup, and Ogbono-okro soup, and can be used be boiled and mixed with stew sauce.
Abelmoschus esculentus (okra fruit) is a shrub that grows to about two metres with yellow flower and succulent seed pod emanating from the flower. If you plant the agric specie, it should start to produce in 30 days from the day of planting. As an African proverb goes, "an okro does not grow taller than its planter", but these agric species of okro are short and produce faster. Also, both the leaves and the seed pod are major ingredients in several local dishes across West African countries. The seed pod is used to thicken soup, stews and sauces. The roasted seed can serve as coffee substitute. The stem is used in making paper, because of its high fibre content. As a green vegetable, it is a good source of Iron, Vitamin C, Calcium and dietary fibre. Okra which is indigenous to tropical Africa and it is said to be boiled in salted water and eaten as a cure for heartburn, in particular the heartburn of late pregnancy. It has has several other benefits; the superior fiber found in okra helps to stabilise blood sugar by curbing the rate at which sugar is absorbed from the intestinal tract. Its mucilage binds cholesterol and bile acid carrying toxins dumped into it by the filtering liver. Decoction of its young fruit is useful for catarrh.
Okra helps lubricate the large intestines due to its bulk laxative qualities. The okra fiber absorbs water and ensures bulk in stools. This helps to prevent and improve constipation. Unlike harsh wheat bran, which can irritate or injure the intestinal tract, okra’s mucilage soothes, and okra facilitates elimination more comfortably by its slippery characteristic. Okra binds excess cholesterol and toxins (in bile acids).
Okra is a supreme vegetable for those feeling weak, exhausted, and suffering from depression. It has been used for healing ulcers and to keep joints agile.
Usually, in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility among couples the male factor is now been taken seriously. This is because several reports have put the male factor in infertility among married couples at different degrees ranging from 36.8 per cent to 70 per cent. It is a fact that eating the right diet may not worry you if you are told that inappropriate eating can put you at risk of heart problems and even poor mood. If you are an African man, it should be your concern that a wrong choice of food may make you unable to father a child. Is this true with okro?
In a nutshell, being a vegetable, it is obvious that okro is healthy and should be included in your menu. Here are a few specific health benefits of okro:
01) Prevents Colon Cancer: – By cleaning out the intestinal tract, Okro is able to improve colon health by allowing the organ to work at a higher rate of efficiency and reduce the risk of colon cancer.
02) Prevents Diabetes: – The presence of Eugenol in Okra helps fight against diabetes. The fibre also helps stabilize blood sugar level by delaying sugar absorption from the intestines.
03) Prevents Constipation: – Okra is one of the best vegetable sources of dietary fibre essential for the digestive system. Dietary fibres in okra help prevent and relieve constipation. The soluble fibre in okra absorbs water and adds bulk to the stool thus preventing constipation.
04) Prevents Anaemia: – The iron content of okra forms haemoglobin in the blood and prevents anaemia. Vitamin K helps in blood coagulation.
05) Aids Weight Loss: – The dietary fibres contained in this vegetable helps people who are on weight loss programs. Okro has a very low caloric value so it is a great addition when losing weight. 100g of raw okro contains 30 calories and has lots of dietary fibers that gives you a feeling of fullness.
06) Improves Heart Health: – The soluble fibre in okra helps to lower serum cholesterol and thus reduces the risk of heart disease. Eating okra is an effective way to control the body’s cholesterol level. Okra is also high in pectin that helps in lowering high blood cholesterol by altering the production of bile in the intestines.
07) Improves Hair Problems: – Okra can help you get healthy hair and be free from dandruff. For bouncy hair, boil water with horizontally cut okra, strain on cooling, squeeze half a lemon and use as a hair rinse. Another method is to Cut some okro pods and boil in little water until the juice mucilage begins to come out. Strain out and add a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply mixture to hair and wash off after 10 minutes. Your hair will feel stronger and have more glow to it. Experts say that it can even get rid of lice too.
08) Improves Immunity: – The high Vitamin C content in okro helps fight cold and cough by encouraging a healthy immune system. The Vitamin C and many essential minerals like magnesium, manganese, calcium and iron in okra also fight against harmful free radicals and therefore promote an overall healthy immune system.
09) Improves Eyesight: – It improves vision. Vitamin A and beta carotene found in okro are essential nutrients for maintaining good eyesight. In addition, these essential nutrients also help prevent eye related diseases such as cataracts. The Vitamin A promotes good eye health and protects against age related eye disorders.
10) Contributes to a Healthy Pregnancy: – The high amount of folate contained in the okra is beneficial for the foetus during pregnancy. Folate is an essential nutrient which improves the development of the foetus’ brain. The high amount of folic acid in okra plays an important role in the neural tube formation of the foetus from the fourth to the twelfth week of pregnancy
There is a story told about a professional hunter who had a friend who always wanted to go with him on one of his hunts. So one day he said to his friend, "I have a permit to go into the Zambezi Valley and hunt for a buffalo. Would you like to come with me?"
The friend was ecstatic at the opportunity.
"When do we go?" he asked.
"In about six months time, but before then I have to train you about hunting."
For the next six months, the two men met every day, and they discussed and planned for the trip. The hunter's friend was surprised by how meticulous the hunter was about everything.
He taught him about the bush, and how to survive in it. He taught him everything about buffaloes.
“You must respect the buffalo,” he said, “because it's a very intelligent animal, and it is also extremely dangerous."
He gave him lots of books to read, about hunting and buffaloes.
During that time, the friend also trained every day at the shooting range. He understood by then the different types of guns used to hunt buffalo. He also had to do fitness training, which surprised him.
"You can die out there if you are not fit," his friend explained.
He was totally astounded by what he was learning about hunting.
"Until now, I thought all you do is just go out and shoot, but now I know there’s more to this than meets the eye!" he exclaimed.
When the day came, the two men set out into the wild bush of the Zambezi Valley, one of the most beautiful places on the earth. It is also inhospitably hot, and the terrain is tough.
They'd been tracking one single animal for 5 days, and the hunter's friend was totally exhausted. He watched as his friend patiently made meticulous plans every single day. The hunter seamed to take forever, from the point of view of his friend. Sometimes they would walk, and sometimes they would sit for hours. The hunter was always looking around, scanning the bushes, not even (it appeared) always paying attention to the surrounding areas more than the buffalo.
"Why can't he just shoot and we go home!?"
He was getting tired of this, as they walked almost 50 miles a day. He was also hungry most of the time, as they only ate rations of dried meat and fruit, most of the time. The hunter looked at the animal through his gun sight over and over every day, but wouldn’t take a shot. Sometimes they appeared so close, but he still did not do anything.
It was the fifth day: The animal was in sight again, but the hunter was going through his routine again. The friend sat in the bushes, when suddenly a rabbit appeared in front of him and he thought to himself, "At least if I shoot this rabbit, we can have meat tonight. I'm tired of dry rations." So he pulled out his gun and fired once. The rabbit disappeared, as he had missed anyway, but so did the buffalo, and with it, the entire herd.
The hunter looked at him in total horror and disbelief!
Then he shouted, "Run, or you die!" as he took off.
They almost got stampeded by an entire herd that seemed to appear from nowhere. Also, suddenly there were lions everywhere that he had not seen before! But for the skills of the hunter, who led them both to safety, they could have died.
The buffalo was gone. The hunt was over.
They had to return home, empty-handed.
If you have not attended a 3MT presentation, enjoy this. It has a history and you will learn about my research work. It is a 3 Minutes Thesis presentation in Lancaster University LUPGRC16, held on 7th May, 2016. I won an award at this conference
Infuse your life with action. Don't wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen... yourself, right now, right down here on Earth.
Thank God for the awards I, Chiemela VIctotr Amaechi got and for my presentation on 7th May, 2016 at the Lancaster University Post Graduate Research Conference 2016. #lupgrc16 It was nice to participate in 3MT and had these awards: Asus Zenpad 10 and Amazon £50 giftcard, you can find details off video and pictures here
My gratitude first goes to Almighty God, and then to my Supervisor Prof. Jianqiao Ye, who has supported, nurtured and inspired me. I will also say thanks to my colleagues: Adeayo Sotayo, Charles Odigie and Yakubu Tsado, all of Lancaster University.
You do not have to be a fan of Cristiano Ronaldo, to love that he is good. I love his varieties of goals, free kicks, headers, spot kicks, penalty kicks and the sorts.
The 31-year-old has set a new record in football after scoring twice in Saturday's 2-0 win over Deportivo La Coruna - although it wasn't enough to pip Barcelona to the title.
Cristiano Ronaldo has become the first player in history to score at least 50 goals in six consecutive seasons. He has been Ballon DÓr world best twice and is been tipped for the next one, as he is a favourite over Messi, and Suarez.
The Portugal international scored both goals in the 2-0 win over Deportivo La Coruna on the final day of the Liga season to take his tally up to 51 for the campaign.
In comparison, Lionel Messi netted over 50 goals in three consecutive seasons between 2010 and 2013.
Ronaldo could also add to his total in this month’s Champions League final as Real Madrid face Atletico Madrid in Milan, according to an analysis by
But despite his overall haul, Ronaldo was beaten to the Pichichi award for the top scorer in La Liga as Luis Suarez ended the season on 40 goals - five ahead of the 31-year-old.
Ronaldo also lost out on winning this year’s La Liga trophy as Barcelona secured a 3-0 victory over Granada to seal the title.
But there is hope of C Ronaldo winning the world best.
Nigeria and its current fuel crisis, as PMB says that removal of subsidy is the way forward. President Buhari is seen to take the toll of his predicessor ex-President Goodluck, who wanted to do same but was antagonised by all oppositions and today, that same option is taken by those oppositions, what an irony. Should we wait till the tenant cries that he has no fence in the house before the landlord provides him with that? How caring are our leaders? Only recently did Kaduna State Governor, Nasir El'rufai back the subsidy removal policy of President Muhammadu Buhari. He however noted that as at 2012, it was a bad idea initiated by the Goodluck Administration. Here is the statement released earlier over his backing on the new fuel subsidy removal, read below: For those who want to know why we opposed the Goodluck Ebele Jonathan's idea on subsidy removal in 2012. Ex-President Goodluck Jonathan removed fuel subsidy on New Year’s Day in 2012. This took fuel price from N65 to N141 at filling stations. This led to massive protests by civil-rights groups, labour unions, and Nigerians generally. APC, the opposition party at that time, took political advantage of the situation by identifying with the suffering and criticizing the Jonathan administration for removing subsidy. Goodluck Jonathan eventually backtracked and the Fuel subsidy was restored. Now in 2016, only 4 years later President Buhari officially removes fuel subsidy. Millions of Nigerians are angry. Nigerians are understandably accusing the present administration of cowardice, deception, and hypocrisy. This may be true, but are we not mixing up issues? Are the facts and figures under Goodluck Jonathan’s leadership from 2010-2015 the same under President Buhari’s leadership from June 2015 till date? Let’s deal with the facts and figures. The facts and figures under Jonathan and Buhari administrations are not the same. Let’s start with the figures: 1. How much was oil price in 2011? Oil price was $113 per barrel. Today, oil price is $44 after going below 30 dollars early this year. 2. What about exchange rate? Under Goodluck Jonathan’s leadership, the exchange rate was $1 to N162. Today, exchange rate is officially N199 to a dollar; N320-N340 in the parallel market. 3. And foreign reserves? Nigeria’s foreign reserves stood at $35billion in January 2012 and $29.61billion as at 28 May 2015, the eve of hand over to President Buhari. Today, foreign reserve is $27.1 billion, amid myriad of restrictive measures to stem the steady slide in the economy’s external sector. Now let’s move to the facts: 1. Under the previous administration, Nigeria was enjoying an economic-growth rate of 6% averagely. Thanks to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) riding on the back of a devalued naira. President Jonathan also, largely, had the right economic mix. But corruption and terrorism were two of its greatest challenges. There were allegations of massive corruption, particularly what was reported to be a fuel-subsidy scam right under Goodluck Jonathan’s nose. Rather than tackle these allegations by investigating and prosecuting those involved in the scam, President Jonathan decided to remove subsidy as the solution to the problem. The administration claimed removing fuel subsidy would free up funds for capital projects. But Nigerians had little or no trust in the administration. The administration was incompetent and corrupt. How can it be trusted to save for the future? This was a fundamental issue. So #OccupyNigeria shot down Nigeria’s economy in January 2012, not simply because Goodluck Jonathan increased fuel price but mainly because millions of Nigerians did not trust the administration with the money it claimed it would “save” for the future. The rest is history. Today there are strong reasons to believe that if fuel-subsidy removal had been allowed in 2012, most of it would have ended up in private bank accounts. 2. Under Buhari administration, though partly due to some of its own reactive and over-restrictive economic policies, the Nigerian economy is sick. There is scarcity of foreign exchange. Oil marketers are finding it extremely difficult to import petroleum products into the country. FDI has nose-dived. The low international-oil price meant there was no need for it. So fuel price at filling stations became 86.5 per litre. Now that international-oil price is rising again, prices are expected to go higher. This time, the APC-led administration, the same party that criticised the last administration’s removal of fuel subsidy has done exactly the same thing. No fuel subsidy in its 2016 budget. It says it does not have the money it needs to sustain subsidy. National Assembly did not object. The budget was passed. Now that fuel price has increased internationally, we expect the government to subsidize to alleviate people’s suffering. The Buhari administration says ‘No. We don’t have enough foreign exchange to do so.” Oil marketers are having difficulties opening letters of credit to import petroleum products. The result is that NNPC alone has had to supply over 90% of petroleum products since October 2015. This has not always been so. 3. NNPC used to supply 48% of petroleum products. Since NNPC does not have what it takes to supply so much, there will continue to be fuel scarcity. To tackle the scarcity problem, the government painfully decides to free up the oil-supply system by allowing the international-oil price determine fuel price locally without any fiscal intervention. Oil marketers are now accessing foreign exchange (through secondary sources) to import petroleum products into the country since N145 naira per litre provides some reasonable profit margin after supply costs. Meanwhile, the government is taking measures to block leakages through zero budgeting, Single Treasury Account (TSA), and its Anti-Corruption Agenda (even though one-sided). We are now talking about refineries, public and private-owned refineries that will eventually make fuel scarcity a thing of the past. For the first time, we are talking about oil reserves for the country. But for the actions of Niger Delta Avengers, I think Nigerians would have started feeling some of the efforts this administration has been putting in to correct some fundamentals in our oil-dependent economic system. So don’t sell your memories for a litre of fuel. Goodluck Jonathan was an incompetent leader and his administration was fantastically corrupt (apologies to David Cameron). This administration's poor performance so far cannot redeem yesterday's corrupt leadership. President Buhari may not be abundantly blessed with the intellectual capacity to change Nigeria as he hopes to, but his weaknesses cannot become anointing oil for making the former President a saint overnight. No, it can’t.
This is some humility from the greatest leaders, the Queen, Prince Phillip, President Obama, and his First Lady Michelle Obama in the UK, all in a car after being dropped off by a helicopter, no convoy, ...hope our African leaders will learn and reduce noise pollution, CO2 emission, conserve the lean resources and embrace Humility.
A force of 10 kN is acting on a circular rod with diameter 10 mm. The stress in the rod can be calculated as
σ = (10 103 N)/ (π ((10 10-3 m) / 2)2)
= 127388535 (N/m2)
= 127 (MPa)
Example - Force acting on a Douglas Fir Square Post
A compressive load of 30000 lb is acting on short square 6 x 6 in post of Douglas fir. The dressed size of the post is 5.5 x 5.5 in and the compressive stress can be calculated as
σ = (30000 lb)/ ((5.5 in) (5.5 in))
= 991 (lb/in2, psi)
Shear Stress
Stress parallel to the plane is usually denoted "shear stress" and can be expressed as
Ï„ = Fp/ A (2) where Ï„ = shear stress ((Pa) N/m2, psi) Fp = parallel component force (N, lbf) A = area (m2, in2)
Strain is defined as "deformation of a solid due to stress" and can be expressed as
ε = dl / lo = σ / E (3) where dl = change of length (m, in) lo = initial length (m, in) ε = unit less measure of engineering strain E = Young's modulus (Modulus of Elasticity) (N/m2 (Pa), lb/in2 (psi))
Young's modulus can be used to predict the elongation or compression of an object.
Example - Stress and Change of Length
The rod in the example above is 2 m long and made of steel with Modulus of Elasticity 200 GPa. The change of length can be calculated by transforming (3) as
dl = σ lo / E
= (127 106 Pa) (2 m) / (200 109 Pa)
= 0.00127 (m)
= 1.27 (mm)
Young's Modulus - Modulus of Elasticity (or Tensile Modulus) - Hooke's Law
Most metals deforms proportional to imposed load over a range of loads. Stress is proportional to load and strain is proportional to deformation as expressed with Hooke's law
E = stress / strain = σ/ ε = (Fn / A) / (dl / lo) (4) where E = Young's modulus (N/m2) (lb/in2, psi)
Modulus of Elasticity, or Young's Modulus, is commonly used for metals and metal alloys and expressed in terms 106 lbf/in2, N/m2 or Pa. Tensile modulus is often used for plastics and is expressed in terms 105 lbf/in2 or GPa.
If you have been a fan of boxing and watched great boxers like Mike Tyson, Mohammed Ali, and Evander Hollifield, so also the the British boxer Anthony Joshua has talents to last more years. He won the IBF world heavyweight title on Saturday with a sensational second round knockout of American rival. Charles Martin.
Taking to his twitter account after the victory, the new champion wrote: "An unforgettable night!"
Olympic champion Joshua, 26, had Martin on the canvas twice in the second round to record his 16th knockout in all 16 professional fights he has contested.
Joshua becomes the sixth British fighter to win a world heavyweight title.
"There 'll probably be some negativity about how easy it is. But two days ago Charles Martin was a big, dangerous southpaw and he had the confidence to come over here and fight in the lion's den," said the new champion.
"All the hype is good for boxing, let's keep on pushing this sport. Keep on supporting us because it won't last forever."
Joshua needed only one minute and 32 seconds of the second round to end the defence of the American who was widely jeered when he entered the ring wearing a crown and velvet robes.
It was a fast and powerful right hand which delivered the final blow as Martin was left clearly dazed. He was up on his feet but off them again soon after, with the hapless American failing to make the count.
"I've got people like David Haye and Tyson Fury calling me out so I need to keep improving. Every fight gets better and better. I want to give value for money and I appreciate the ongoing support of the fans," added Joshua.
The Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) is Nigeria's oldest energy company, and has a long term and continuing commitment to the country, its people and the economy. As one of the world's leading energy companies Shell plays a key role in helping to meet the world's growing energy demand in economically, environmentally and socially responsible ways.
The Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited - We hereby announce the commencement of the 2016/2017 Postgraduate Internship / Research Programmes Internship / Research Attachment for Postgraduate University Students
The Postgraduate Research Internship programme (which is different from the Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is aimed at providing opportunities for talented Nigerians to gain work experience and carry out topical research within Shell Exploration and Production Companies in Nigeria (SEPCiN).
Discipline Areas
Environment (Environmental Monitoring, Remediation, and Impact assessment, Carbon / Energy Management).
Open primarily to talented Nigerian postgraduate students currently enrolled in Nigerian universities, but in exceptional cases, Nigerians studying abroad could be considered.
Master's degree students must be under 30 years by January 2nd, 2017 and PhD students should be under 35 years by January 2nd, 2017 to qualify.
Applications from persons who have previously participated in the programme will not be considered.
Application Closing Date 11th May, 2016 Method of Application Applications from candidates should consist of:
An application letter
A curriculum vitae including applicant's contact phone number, email address, as well as contact information of three referees, and
A titled, 3-page summary of candidate's postgraduate research programme including study background, technical objectives, /methodology/data required, and expected outcome /Selection will be based on postgraduate programmes/ proposals that are pertinent to SEPCiN business objectives and only students with the highest potential will pass screening.