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It is the wisdom of man to sacrifice for his fellow man, in a wise manner

Friday, April 1, 2016

April Fool

Once upon a time, there was a classmate of mine some years ago in Secondary School named Tyrese. He was a very smart kid but also very playful and the most jovial we had. One day during a Mathematics class, on the April 1st, 1992, Tyrese came into the class shouting that the teacher's car was on fire and we all ran out, only for Tyrese to stand laughing and saying: "April fool".

We were so taken because we all ran out and the teacher Mr Onos was so pissed that he had to punish Tyrese for that prank. It was only then that two (2) other students confirmed that he had also played them some April fool prank, and they too in turn had done same to some others. One said, he did his over the phone. 

It was a game among kids, but what do you think about April fool? Somehow, 1st April is always called APRIL FOOL's day, but it is not just a game but a prank of lies and a times, its over pushed. 

Anyway, today is April 1st, 2016 and I wish you a wonderful new month. If you have been pranked, enjoy it but please don't give in to the deception of the Devil to trick people all over the world to lie in the name of "April Fool's Day". 

Have you ever imagined why April is the only month in the year the Devil capitalizes to spread his deception? That's because he knows many wouldn't want to lie because it's a sin against God, so he comes subtly like he did to our first parents Adam and Eve. Wherever it originated from the Devil is behind it. April shouldn't be a month for "Fools". 

Dear listener/reader, please remember that he is the father of lies, so ask God for forgiveness if you've fallen for his deception already and ask for grace from God to help you to be sensitive to the tricks of the Devil. May God fulfill His purpose for your life this month of April. God bless you. 

Happy new month, and to all my friends whose birthdays are today, a Happy Birthday to you all.

Some guys will propose today: if the lady accepts, they'll say they're serious, if she rejects, they'll claim it's April fool. Lolz

Anyway, in China as of today, April fool's day has been banned as alot of people have been hoaxed by it, according to Washington Post. In another post,“In the West, it’s only for a day, but a certain (TV) station is fooling 365 days non-stop,” another wrote.

That China’s propaganda apparatus has a problem with satire has long been evident. In 2012, the People’s Daily fell for a satirical report in the Onion voting North Korean leader Kim Jong Un the sexiest man alive. The Communist Party newspaper ran a 55-page photo spread in tribute to Kim, quoting the Onion as celebrating his devastatingly handsome looks, round face, boyish charm and strong, sturdy frame — not realizing it was satire.

Li Zhurun, a former journalist and university professor, realized 16 years too late that he had been fooled by an April Fools' Day gag. In 1981, he read a report that cadets at West Point were being taught about legendary Communist Party soldier Lei Feng. He put the story in a report, and it was widely circulated and believed in China. It wasn’t until 1997 that he realized the original story had been published on April 1."

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