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It is the wisdom of man to sacrifice for his fellow man, in a wise manner

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Gift of Prophecy

During the winter of 1849-1850, Adventist pioneers James White and Ellen White held revival meetings in Oswego, New York. At the same time the county treasurer held a revival in a nearby Protestant Church, professing to have a great burden for the unconverted.

Young Hiram Patch and his fiancee could not decide which revival with which to associate. Ellen White received a message from the Lord regarding the true character of the fellow revivalist. God told her to advise Hiram Patch, "Wait a month, and you will know for yourself the character of the persons who are engaged in this revival and who profess to have such a great burden for sinners" and Mr. Patch agreed to wait.

Within two weeks, the treasurer-revivalist burst a blood vessel in his stomach, requiring bed rest. Those who took over his treasury work at the County office found a shortage of $1,000. The Sheriff's inquiry brought only denials from the treasurer of any knowledge of the missing money. Meanwhile, another officer observed the treasurer's wife hastily hiding something in a snowbank. The "something" turned out to be $1,000.

The treasurer's revival collapsed. Hiram Patch and his fiancee, with Ellen White's counsel fresh in mind, joined the Adventist believers. The fulfilment of her inspired prediction within only two weeks greatly strengthened the faith of many in the reality of this modern gift of prophecy.

It is noteworthy that sin has made God to no longer speak face-t-face with man, as He did with Adam and Eve. Even Moses in the burning bush, felt God's presence, in the form because God is a consuming fire. How do you view the gift of prophecy? The Bible is the answer in Acts 2:17-30; 1 Cor. 14:3;  Isa. 1 John 4:3; Hosea 12:13; Matt. 7:20

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