My Text

It is the wisdom of man to sacrifice for his fellow man, in a wise manner

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Best Interview Questions Answered

Have you attended an interview and not knowing the outcome? Are you scared of attending one? Preparing for an interview is probably the most overlooked phase of securing a new job position. Everyone thinks it is easy until they enter an interview room in front of a panel 
of educators who are judging every move and every word. Then, reality sinks in! The panel might include the superintendent, experienced professionals, recruiters, human resources personnel, making it critical to address your answers to all involved. The more you prepare for an interview, the better your odds of securing a job offer will be. Here are some tips for you on answering some interview questions.

Keep in mind, these are just possibilities and should be used with discretion. Each candidate’s background, teaching style, and experiences are different, and the answers should reflect those differences. There is one thing you must remember that applies to everyone who interviews — don’t lie! Also, keep in mind, that you should tailor your answers to address the specific needs of a job or work specifics in which you 
are interested.

1)  Tell me a little bit about yourself.

Oh, yes, this is the question that is most likely to be asked first. I call it a two minute commercial about yourself. This is a great opportunity to sell yourself. Keep in mind, if it is the first question asked, it will set the stage for the interview, so it needs to be extremely strong. Don’t be too modest. This will provide an overview, an introduction, to you. You might start by stating, “As you can see from my resume….” and then mention your degrees and certifications and give a quick run down of your relevant experience. The last 1 ½ minutes should be used to communicate your strengths and skills and what you can do to enhance education in their district. In other words, they are asking “Why should we hire you?” Practice this carefully. You need a few sentences that answer that question at the end of your response. Also, at the end, you may want to mention why you would enjoy working for the school district in the position for which they are hiring.

2) Let’s pretend it’s almost the first day of school and you are a first grade teacher. How would you prepare your classroom?
This question tests how well you will manage the classroom. The philosophy is that the more organized you are, the more well-run your classroom will be.  Don’t give the panel just a few words… they may be using a checklist to see how many items you mention.  Plus, as a teacher, you should be very excited about this question and be able to speak for a while, but limit the response to two minutes.

Your response must provide them with an idea of how nurturing and inviting your classroom will be to students. Come up with some creative decorating ideas, making sure
they are student-centered.  You could also mention a huge welcome sign, the daily schedule, age-appropriate posters, name tags for students, labeled desks (how will they be
arranged?) and lockers, a list of class rules/consequences/rewards, and other labeled areas (e.g., the classroom library, manipulative storage,  computer area), etc.  Or, mention that you might invite parents and students to visit the classroom the day before school
starts, with the administrator’s permission.  If you have a portfolio with have pictures of other first days of school, this is a great chance to share them with the panel.

Next, make it clear that you will have organized the textbooks, your lesson plan book, your grade book and other materials well before school begins.  Mention several
activities you might include during the first day of school, including an ice-breaker, a trip to the restrooms, and a fun art project.

The real key to this question is to show your enthusiasm, passion, excellent organizational skills, and how you will create a warm and captivating environment in which students will feel safe, where learning will be maximized, so that children will look forward to coming to school each day.

3) As a grade one teacher, how would you motivate parents to become involved in the classroom and in their child’s education?

What is critical to communicate in your response to this question is your understanding of the importance of parental involvement and how you always encourage participation to strengthen student-teacher-parent relationships.  (Grandparents can also be encouraged to
participate.)  Talk about some of the things that parents can volunteer to do in the classroom, such as: reading with students, preparing project materials,  creating bulletin
boards, sorting materials, setting up learning centers, hanging up students’ work, etc. 

Parental involvement means much more than just attending parent-teacher interviews.  You must set goals to keep the parents abreast of what is going on in the classroom.  You
can communicate that information and ask for volunteers through weekly or bi-weekly newsletters.  You might inform parents when you are starting a new unit or specific
projects and make sure they clearly understand the homework assignments each week.  Make sure that parents are invited to any momentous or appropriate events. 

You should contact or speak to parents not just when a child is having difficulty, but also when they are doing well.  Tell the hiring panel that you will call parents and send notes home complimenting students on good behavior. Also mention that you try to recruit bilingual parents to help with communication as necessary.  

Let the hiring committee know that you coach parents on how they can help their child succeed academically.  You may have read some resource book(s) to gain ideas that you
could implement.  If so, let the panel know.  Holding a parent appreciation lunch or tea to acknowledge those who have helped in the classroom is a great idea.  Consider
attending some of the PTA meetings.  If your portfolio contains any past newsletters or parental communication letters, make sure you show these to the panel.

4) Are you a flexible teacher? If so, explain how.

Yes I am a flexible teacher. I can deal very effectively with people and students from all backgrounds and socio-economic groups.  In teaching, I am completely aware that students have different learning rates and styles. Some are fast learners and some are slow learners, some learn best in auditory manner, others through actions or visual media. Still others have specific learning disabilities. I am flexible in the sense that I address
these differences and make it a point to respond to their different needs. In my teaching, I make use of different learning strategies so that my instruction will be interesting and motivating to students.  I use lecture, discussion, hands-on activities, cooperative learning, projects, manipulatives, role playing, debates, reports, technology, and others. (Choose the ones appropriate to the subject and/or grade for which you are applying.)

5)  What did you find to be the most difficult aspect of student (intern) teaching?

For me, the most difficult part of student teaching is the limited contact hours with students within one class period (or day). When I teach, I have so much information that I
would like to impart to my students that time flies by too fast.  I always go to my classes full of energy and armed with lessons which I believe will stimulate curiosity and
spark understanding and new insights in my students. There is so much information that I need to present for them to have a comprehensive understanding of a concept. My
challenge is to make sure that I structure my lessons so effectively that learning takes place in one class period (or day).  So I plan ahead to maximize every minute of my
class period (or day).

6) What ways do you assess and evaluate students?

In assessing students, I make use of different methods. I use formal and informal assessment procedures to promote social, academic, and physical development. The usual
assessment that I use is written quizzes (case studies, discussions) and examinations. Throughout the semester, I also grade and assess students on their class participation
such as recitations, reports, group activities, and seat work. I also assess and grade students based on their completion of assignments and timeliness in submission. I
also use authentic/alternative assessments, in which the student shows they can perform a task, such as making a speech or writing a story. I like to use written, oral, and day-to-day assessments

7) What would your master teacher or cooperating teacher say about you?

My master teacher would say that I am incredibly energetic in teaching because I love what I do! She would say that I am the type of person who also goes the extra mile to help my students learn and comprehend their lessons regardless of their abilities. She would say that I also try to teach values that are important in life, including the value of 

8) What will you do to modify your teaching to meet the needs of a gifted student?

A gifted student in the midst of the regular students can be a challenge in terms of addressing his or her particular needs and capabilities. What I will do is to modify his
work assignments in expectation or length to fit his abilities. His tasks will require a higher level of understanding compared to the regular students. During class discussions, I can direct questions to him or her that require higher-level thinking skills. I also would
encourage the gifted student to take a leadership role in group work so that his classmates can emulate and be inspired by him.

9) What are some of the trends, issues, and methodologies in education that relate to your specific curriculum area or grade level?

Here are some trends, issues, and methodologies that relate to most subjects and grade levels. You might say:

It seems that increasingly students have more information and knowledge than ever before due to access to the internet. A teacher has to be aware of what the internet
is, how it can be used in positive ways, and how to protect students from negative influences on the internet.

It can be a powerful learning tool for students. In addition,
technology in general has changed education greatly. Using computers, videos, and other kinds of technology makes lessons more interesting and more fun. It also makes it
easier to teach students with varying needs. A computer with internet access can open the world up to the classroom.

An issue that is important is teaching to state standards. School time is limited and we must make the best use of it that we can, so I try to relate every lesson and activity
to a grade level standard.  That keeps me focused on the overarching goal of improving education and helping children do better academically.

One of the most important methodologies in my opinion is teaching through multiple intelligences.  Children learn in so many different ways.  I try to reach everyone by teaching through the senses, using visual, auditory, and sense of touch to impart information.  When possible, I try to include the senses of taste and smell, too!

10) Do you know what is going on in education today?

Do you have a passion for the profession? In other words, do you stay current?
Here is a possible answer for this question.

I love education. I think that it is imperative to be a lifelong learner when one is a teacher. I plan to continue my education by (fill in this blank with your own plans).  

Technology continues to evolve into a strategic part of education. Tablet PCs and hand held devices are the newest gadgets on the market for students to use; the internet is
an incredible resource.  Technology provides interactive, individualized learning experiences, increasing student engagement and efficiency – in safer and more secure

Multiculturalism and securing equal opportunities for all are important themes in education.

And, of course, teaching to state standards to upgrade student academic progress is very important.

11) Do you enjoy teaching children?  If so, how would I know if I observed your class? 

What I most enjoy in teaching is hearing my students explain, in their own words, what they learned in a particular lesson and watching them enjoy participating in a lesson. When you observe my class, you will see that I get my students engaged in our discussions and activities. You will see that my students actively participate in each lesson. I make sure that all of them have a chance to speak, express their thoughts, and share them with the class. I enjoy how their faces brighten every time I recognize their efforts to learn by saying, “Very good,” “That’s a great idea,” “Good job,” and other encouraging phrases. At the end of the lesson, you will hear the students explain what they learned.  Most of all, you’ll know that I enjoy teaching because the children in my class look happy.

12) What is your classroom management plan?

My general classroom management plan is to make my classroom feel like a home to every student. I want them to feel valued, intelligent, safe, and comfortable. I want
them to respect me, the teacher, and each other and to show that respect by treating everyone with kindness and caring.

The class environment must be conducive to learning so I welcome everyone’s opinions and encourage and respect student differences. I try to understand the expectations
of my students and make them aware of my expectations. I always make it a point to clearly communicate my expectations at the beginning of the school year. In this
way, I ensure that the students and I are moving toward the same goal – learning for all. I establish firm, but fair and consistent discipline. I try to maintain a regular schedule each day.  If the classroom is well-managed and teaching is effective, the participants in this learning environment will learn, grow, and become responsible

13) What do you do to accommodate a student with an IEP?

An Individualized Education Plan will be successful if proper coordination and collaboration are emphasized by the teacher, parents, psychologist, and other school staff.  I accommodate a student with an IEP by planning a series of in-depth discussions with the parents to learn about the student’s diagnosis and needs and later to inform the
parents of his progress. This allows me to design an education program that addresses his specific needs and puts into place special accommodations. I also will document my own observations and evaluations of the student’s academic work and behavior. As I gain knowledge and information about the student with the IEP, it will be easier for me to decide on the lessons and teaching and learning styles I should use to accommodate his needs and maximize his learning. There are many types of accommodations, depending on the student’s diagnosis, for example, instructing a student through the use of
 manipulatives, providing a seat near the front of the room, reinforcing positive behavior every few minutes, providing extra time for assignments, and giving tests orally instead
of in writing.

14) What can you contribute to our school community/teaching team?

I am the type of teacher who shares with my peers the classroom experiences that I have had, whether good or bad. I do this because I believe that this the best way for me
and other teachers to improve our teaching. In this way, I get to share with them the best of my skills and, in return, they share with me the best of their skills. I also find
that this is a very good way to learn how to handle situations that are difficult or unusual. The feeling of not being alone, but being part of a team of teachers, is what I can bring to the school.  This will help build morale and a great working environment.  

15) How do you differentiate your teaching? Please provide a couple of examples. 

My teaching is unique in the sense that while teaching approach is holistic, it is also inclusive and individualized. It is holistic because I not only share knowledge with my students, but I also elicit knowledge from them. For instance, when I was teaching mathematics, I didn’t simply teach formulas and methods of solving mathematical problems. I also explained to my students the value of understanding numbers and the great things we can use math for, such as the ability to think logically. I include all students in my lessons.  For those who have difficulty, I use cooperative learning, peer tutors, and re-teaching techniques. I attend to the individual needs of the students by modifying assignments. For example, when I had a group of gifted children in my class, I
regularly gave them special assignments to work on that would stimulate higher level thinking skills and had them present their work to the class.

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