My Text

It is the wisdom of man to sacrifice for his fellow man, in a wise manner

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Bees and Spiritual gifts

We can learn from bees a lot. There is a lot we can learn form nature, that wise King Solomon told us to learn form the ants. For bees, when they are busy gathering from the surrounding flowers, we can do almost any kind of work with them or around them, but if there is no nectar to be gathered, kindness and tolerance are not part of their actions. They become first-class warriors!

Seems as if Christians are pretty much like bees. When they have a constant relationship with Jesus, they keep us so busy working for Him that they have little time for criticism, gossip or selfishness.

Each bee has a special job: When the hot sun shines on the hive, thousands of little wings work together to keep the wax from melting. When it becomes freezing cold, they cluster together in an oval to keep the hive warm.

When the beekeeper cuts into the honeycomb, an alarm spreads, and bees with the gift of repair arrive to fix it up. No bee stands around to accuse or condemn, they work as a team, and as a family together to fix the mess. A scar may mar the pattern, but it is still very serviceable.

Each bee has a special gift or work. Some gather nectar, others pollen, some make wax foundations, others produce cells, some exist to mate with the Queen, others define the Hive. Their purpose is to work together for the best good of the hive.

Also, in God's church we all have a task to perform to His glory. It matters not which gift is yours; what matters is are you using your gifts for God? Remain blessed and stay connected.

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